Haiku Friday – Choice & Faith

The Writer Next Door | Vashti Q

Hello, everyone! Welcome.

I have a friend who is intelligent, kind and beautiful. Despite having these great qualities, among others, she has a low self-esteem. She often berates herself, and she can’t take a compliment to save her life. This saddens me, because her low self-esteem holds her back from achieving certain goals and living a good life. 

Her issues with low self-esteem stems from her childhood. She grew up with a verbally abusive father who called her names like stupid (although she was a straight « A » student), idiot, dimwit . . . whenever she made a mistake as a child. His name-calling escalated to profanity and it would happen for the smallest things, from spilling milk to wrinkling her dress. The silliest things would set him off.

Now she’s an adult, she has a great career, husband, wonderful kids, a beautiful home. She’s made a great life for herself, but…

Voir l’article original 324 mots de plus

Publié par denis levieux

STUDIO PHOTO LD,DENIS LEVIEUX PHOTOGRAPHE INFOGRAPHISTE VOYAGEUR PASSIONNE AIMANT LA VIE EN IMAGES sur toute notre merveilleuse Planete Terre Aidez moi a poursuivre ma route en me donnant vos travaux a faire Mariage, etc..

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