Kniveton – The little church that smiled

Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

On my last trip north, I took a different route, and that is always an adventure. With never enough time to take side-trips and explore, I can never resist when something just drops in my path, so when, after three hours driving, a village that announced itself as a Saxon settlement offered me a church and a parking spot, the inevitable happened. I pulled over and grabbed the camera.

Even from the road it is an interesting little church. You can see its architectural evolution in the different styles and the shapes and colours of the stonework. It stands in the shadow of a thousand year old yew, it is built on a small mound in the centre of the village and a newborn stream runs around its base…a perfect situation for an ancient place of worship that may even pre-date this church and the present building already goes…

Voir l’article original 919 mots de plus

Publié par denis levieux

STUDIO PHOTO LD,DENIS LEVIEUX PHOTOGRAPHE INFOGRAPHISTE VOYAGEUR PASSIONNE AIMANT LA VIE EN IMAGES sur toute notre merveilleuse Planete Terre Aidez moi a poursuivre ma route en me donnant vos travaux a faire Mariage, etc..

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